Rice Wine Vinaigrette: An Easy Salad Dressing

rice wine vinaigrette salad dressing

I’m no chef or recipe developer, but I love food. Eating lots of vegetables is high on my list of priorities because we know they support a healthy microbiome, help with blood sugar balance and bowel movements.

What makes eating lots of veggies easier? A great dressing or dip. Today, I share a loose recipe passed down from a family member (I think she got it from her Japanese mama too!). Traditionally, to be considered a vinaigrette there needs to be a certain ratio of oil to acid, so just let that go and adjust to your tastebuds.

When I make this, I never measure!

As a nutritionist, I strive to 1/2 my plate filled with vegetables, 1/4 protein, 1/4 starchy carb then I add fats. The cold pressed extra virgin olive makes this recipe ann easy to get fat into your meal. Fats help absorb Vitamins A, D, E and K.

Note, oils are very high in fats, so yes they are healthy, but we do want to be mindful of the quantity consumed. It’s a healthy unsaturated fat which is great for cardiovascular health as opposed to saturated fats (meat, butter, coconut oil).


  • 1/3 extra virgin olive oil

  • 2 TBSP rice wine vinegar (sweetened)

  • smallest dash of maple syrup

  • 3 cloves of garlic, crushed

  • small spoonful of dijon mustard


  1. -mix olive oil, rice wine vinegar, maple syrup and dijon in a mason jar

  2. use a garlic press or finely chop garlic and add

  3. store leftovers in the fridge in your mason jar so you can easily shake when it’s time to use. The olive oil will harden when refrigerated, but easily comes back to liquid when mixed into food.

Looking for a salad to enjoy with it? Head to this post here.


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