The Most Common Candida Symptoms

my client’s results - she had a ton of bloating
Let’s get right into it. You’ve probably heard about candida on the internet. Do I think it’s an issue that should be addressed? Yes, however, so many health professionals are doing candida protocols every few months. This means they aren’t getting to the root cause of why there is a candida overgrowth. Doing cleanse after cleanse it only going to help you temporarily. Let’s talk symptoms, root cause and my favourite herbs for your healing journey. As always, please work with your holistic healthcare provider versus self diagnosing.
Candida albicans is the most common human fungal pathogen.
Candidiasis is a fungal overgrowth caused by a type of yeast known as candida. Many can live with candida in the gut, mouth, throat or vagina without symptoms. It starts in the GI tract and can colonize in other areas of the body. It becomes a concern when you have multiple symptoms and you notice you feel better on anti-fungal herbs. I always confirm with stool testing versus guessing. This way we also know how much candida is present.
Symptoms of Candida:
extreme fatigue
recurrent vaginal infections
athlete’s foot
oral thrush, white coated tongue
strong cravings for sugar, bread and alcohol
recurrent strep throat
itchy, watery or dry eyes
skin rashes, hives, acne,
PMS (one of many causes)
sensitive to smell, increasing intolerances
itchy ears, nose, anus
brain fog
irritability (also can be liver)
chronic diarrhea
mood swings
inability to concentrate or focus
excessive ear wax

frequent use of antibiotics (kills good bacteria too)
low levels of commensal bacteria, the good guys
a diet low in fermented foods, prebiotic foods and or fibre
birth control pill
I don’t like to suggest sugar elimination, but if a diet is very high in refined sugars, this can be a contributing factor
exposure to mold, mycotoxins present
high mercury levels, more research is needed here
diabetes is a risk factor
low stomach acid
As we age our stomach acid production declines and this can lead to more pathogens. One way to ensure you have optimal levels to kill visitors, is reducing stress. If you’re chronically in fight or flight, your nervous system isn’t going to focus on digestion and stomach acid secretions. I wrote a blog post about the vagus nerve and these tips will help reduce stress and support digestion.
Anti-fungal foods
Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, kale, brussel sprouts…)
If you have several of the above symptoms or feel like you’re always on antibiotics or getting yeast infections, please reach out for further support. I support clients virtually worldwide and shipping of the GI-MAP stool test is included for North American addresses. This test will give you so much insight into your health by looking at the DNA of candida, parasites, H.pylori, good bacteria, opportunistic bacteria, antibiotic resistance, viruses, fat digestion, intestinal health and more. Here is a blog post about the GI-MAP and how it’s helped my clients get to the root cause and feel better faster.
Don’t just put yourself on a candida protocol taking random self prescribed anti-fungal herbs.
I love the GI-MAP at home stool test as it tells us if you have candida and also gives insights into why. Is your commensal bacteria low? Why is it low? I love supporting clients with an anti-microbial protocol that doesn’t remove lots of whole foods.
Red flags: restrictive candida protocols, no testing, continually being told to do another cleanse
I’m accepting 1:1 clients and all pricing includes stool testing. Please head to services to learn more.
Jordan, your plant-based gut and hormone holistic nutritionist
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