5 Foods For Happy Hormones


 Your diet impacts your health and that is powerful. As a plant-based hormone nutritionist, this is my list of foods I recommend including for overall hormone health.

  1. Flax Seeds
    When buying flax seeds aim for whole organic flax versus pre ground. Flax is a fat which easily oxidizes when the shell is broken resulting in a rancid product. Ensure to store flax in the fridge whole or grind up a few days worth. Flax seeds are high in lignans and this gives their superpower! Flax are a phytoestrogen - a super weak form of estrogen - that can positively influences your hormonal health, especially is estrogen dominant. This high fibre food is supportive of bowel health too. If you’re constipated then you’re not getting rid of excess unwanted hormones in the body. Flax helps by binding with the estrogen and preventing reabsorption.

    I love flax seeds in smoothies or in a ‘flax egg’ in baking.

  2. Cruciferous Vegetables
    Cruciferous veggies - brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, broccoli - are great for hormonal health because they contain Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C). This phytochemical is derived from glucosinolates and it helps breakdown estrogen into healthy metabolites known as hydroxyestrone, or 2OH. We see these metabolites on the DUTCH test in My Moon - The Hormone Program. There is even some research that dietary I3C can help prevent breast, endometrial and cervical cancers.

    It’s so easy to get your cruciferous vegetable into your day. From kale in your soup, cauliflower in your smoothie, broccoli in a buddha bowl, the options are endless.

  3. Calcium Rich Foods
    Many women experience mood changes during PMS as progesterone and estrogen significantly dip during the menstrual cycle. To support this shift, research suggests ensuring you’re getting enough calcium rich foods. A double blind study found added calcium positively impacted feelings of anxiety, depression, emotional changes and even water retention. We usually don’t have high levels of calcium so there is no harm focusing on including more tahini, sesame seeds, fortified non dairy milks, leafy greens and other calcium rich foods.

  4. Organic Soy
    Did you know that in Japan the frequency of menopause symptoms, including hot flashes, is so low that they think soy intake is a contributing factor for reduced symptoms? So fascinating. Dr Barnard did a study on the benefits of soy on menopause symptoms and 84% of people had improvements, both in frequency and severity. I recommend consuming soy, unless you have an allergy, daily. I love organic tofu, tempeh, edamame and soy milk. It’s also high in protein, calcium, iron, zinc and fibre. Read this article on peri-menopause here.

  5. Healthy Fats

Hormones are made from fat, it’s true! Cholesterol is a building block for steroid hormones and a super low fat diet can impact your hormonal health negatively. Fats also help slow the release of insulin and stabilize blood sugars when we eat carbs. If our blood sugar is always high then low, our sex hormones will also change. Aim to get your fat from monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats versus a high saturated fat diet. We love oil oil, olives, avocado, nuts and seeds (flax!).

Bonus: get your fibre in! Most of the foods listed are high here are high in fibre and that is great for hormonal health. Eating vegetables, seeds and grains help you hit your daily goal of 21-38 grams.

 Want to learn more about how adaptogens (and what they are), such as ashwagandha, can support hormonal health? Read this blog!

Interesting in gastrointestinal or hormone testing and learning how to support your hormonal health? Visit my services section.