The 4 Types of PMS

So many women suffer from PMS unnecessarily. It’s so common, but it’s not normal - it’s a sign of a hormone imbalance in the body and more often than not, it’s due to gut health and mineral levels. Check out my HTMA blog post to learn more about mineral levels.
PMS A: anxiety
Often seen among estrogen dominant clients with lower progesterone. Progesterone is the calming sex hormone that increases production of GABA, a neurotransmitter that helps sleep. Mood swings, water retention, painful periods, shorter cycles.
PMS D: depression
Feeling down at the same time each month. Not as common, but due to contraception this is occurring more. Low estrogen in relation to progesterone. I recommend getting into nature and moving your body. Breath in the fresh air and enjoy those post exercise endorphins.
PMS C: cravings
You earn all the sweet treats! If ignored, this will impact your blood sugar levels and insulin. In ideal situations, the steroid hormone cortisol counterbalances insulin, but it stressed then it will inhibit production. The liver stores and manufactures glucose based on your insulin & glucagon levels.
PMS P: pain
Period cramps!! This can be due to pro-inflammatory prostaglandins - they’re also the reason you get loose bowel movements during menses. If you eat high sugar, meat, dairy and canola this will contribute to inflammation.
After being put on the birth control pill for skin at 16 then later getting IUD’s, I now celebrate a true bleed. I got my period within a month of removing all contraception and I know my lifestyle, diet and supplements made the transition smoother. DM me with any questions or openly share your experience.
There are many lifestyle and nutrition reasons these symptoms arise. One of them will be linked to stress - take my adrenal fatigue checklist here!
There is so much we can do to support your hormonal health, gut and mineral levels. Learn more in services.
Jordan, gut and hormone nutritionist
As a gut health nutritionist, I give you practical tips, plant-based foods high in iron and a recipe. I also explore reasons why your ferritin may be low.
There are so many different types of magnesium, it’s overwhelming. Thanks to my work experience student, we have complied a chart and a description of each type so you can make an informed decision. Curious to learn your magnesium levels, book in for a hair mineral analysis test.
A week of gut health tips to get your microbiome thriving! Easy to incorporate with a focus on diversity and plants by Jordan Bruce, a holistic nutritionist.
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Great for period pain, inflammation, liver detoxification, gut health protocols and hormone balance
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