Local Summer Salad: let's eat the rainbow


Do you also crave light refreshing meals in the summer heat?  Salads satisfy me and I love that I can get so many organic ingredients locally. Not only is this salad beautiful, it's also good for us! 

I showed this in my Instagram stories the other day and someone asked what restaurant to get this at, I’ll take it. I love making fun bowl like this, it makes me happy 


Eating the rainbow is good because you get different nutrients.


Deep red, purple, blue foods: high in an antioxidant called anthocyanin. Supports increased longevity, cardiovascular health, cancer prevention and improved memory and cognition in those with mild to moderate dementia.

Orange foods: are good for your skin (C rebuilds collagen), eyes, heart, immune system and they may decrease the risk of cancer. They’re loaded with beta-carotene, Vitamin A and C.  

Green food: my favourite, is high in chlorophyll which has antioxidant properties that protect the body from the environment and foods we eat. Chlorophyll also detoxifies, is a blood builder, is skin healing and a natural deodorant. Green good are rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamins B, C, E and K.  Adding a little fat helps with the absorption of many nutrients. 

 This gorgeous and delicious salad is made with my Spud Delivers produce. Code brucesroots for a savings if it’s your first time ordering.


I used a dressing bottle to zig zag this then it exploded 

I used a dressing bottle to zig zag this then it exploded 


Feel free to use the produce you have at home. 

My ingredients:
organic butter lettuce
- organic dandelion greens
- organic purple cabbage
- beet sauerkraut
- organic candy cane beets
- organic orange cauliflower, so fun!
-  organic green beans
- organic cucumber
- fresh organic dill
- local tempeh
- Naked Coconuts coconut oil
- salt and pepper (I love Gathering Place, purchased at Eternal Abundance in Vancouver) 

option to add dressing
- mix tahini, warm water, half a fresh lemon, turmeric, oregano, a dash of maple syrup, salt and pepper. can even add fresh or roasted garlic to take it to the next level. 

A lot of chopping and slicing is required, but it is worth it for a special meal for yourself or friends/family. 

1. cut all vegetables, you can chop or slice with a knife or use a mandolin to get the beets very thin
2. wash and rip butter lettuce
3. cut tempeh in half, then I cut it down the middle to reduce it's thickness. then I cut it lengthwise and horizontally. this allows me to get tiny little chunks and I feel it gets crispier this way. I add Naked Coconuts coconut oil to the pan with Himalayan sea salt with organic black pepper. 
4. assemble lettuce, top with all your veggies and tempeh. would also be great with a dollop of hummus or guac too. 


Let me know if you make it in the comments! 
Curious what you're craving this summer too. 


xx  Jordan - Bruce's Roots  

the dogs longing over my salad

the dogs longing over my salad